What is 7/12 and how to read 7/12
The 7/12 extract is an information document prescribing details about a specific piece of land such as survey number, area, date and more particulars about the existing owner's name.
This extract is a combination of two forms.
●Form 7 talks about the details of the landowners and his rights
●Form 12 lists specifics about the land type and usage.
“Saath-Baara-Utara” is the regional term for 7/12 Extract Document in Maharashtra. The document is maintained by the revenue department of the state for tax collection purpose. The extract is issued by the Tehsildar or the concerned land authority. The 7/12 extract is required to be maintained under the Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971 sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 29.

7/12 Extract can be used for various purposes like:
●Looking up the ownership of ancestral land or land in a village
●Knowing about any past disputes and the orders passed affecting the land
●Knowing about the type of activities being carried out on the land
●Knowing about the agricultural and natural aspects of the surrounding areas.
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How to read 7/12 document:
1) Gaav: Village name where the land is located
2) Tahsil: Sub-division of the district
3) Bhumapan Kramank: Survey number as provided by the revenue authorities of the state under Rule 3 of Maharashtra Land Revenue Rules, 1969
4) Bhumapan Kramankancha Upbhivaag: Sub-division of survey number
5) Bhudharana Paddhiti: This denotes the type of occupancy. It is an important column to be taken note of. There are two types of occupants- Class 1 and 2. Occupant Class 1 can transfer the agricultural land without the collector's approval while Occupant Class 2 are the tenants who have purchased the land under Bombay Tenancy Act, 1948. Such owners cannot transfer the land without the permission of the collector.
6) Bhogvatacharache Naav: Name of the occupant.
7) Khate Kramank – This is an account number from Khate Pustika issued under MLR. Every landowner is provided with an account number which states the amount of tax the owner has to pay.
8) Kudanche Naav – Name of the tenant and their class- contractual tenant or deemed tenant
9) Shetache Sthanik Naav- Farmers give names to their field considering its shape or location.
10) Lagvadi Yogaya Shetra – Total area fit for cultivation
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How to get 7/12 extract online:
Now, landowners will be able to access the 7/12 document online on two government websites- Mahabhulekh and Aaple Sarkar. These extracts are available with digital signatures and can be used as official ownership document. The documents can be downloaded by feeding in following details at http://mahabhulekh.maharashtra.gov.in/
1) Division, district, Taluk and village name from the list given on the website
2) Survey Number/Group Number of the property
3) Name of the Owner
4) Ancestral Owner of the Property
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